How to Install Strapi CMS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Strapi is a popular open-source headless CMS that allows developers to manage content easily and flexibly. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Strapi CMS.

 · 2 min read

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installing Node.js and npm
  3. Setting Up a New Strapi Project
  4. Configuring the Database
  5. Running Strapi
  6. Accessing the Strapi Admin Panel
  7. Conclusion

1. Prerequisites

Before we start, ensure you have the following prerequisites: - A computer with a modern operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) - Node.js (v14 or higher) and npm (v6 or higher) installed - A code editor (VS Code recommended)

2. Installing Node.js and npm

Strapi requires Node.js and npm. If you don't have them installed, follow these steps:

  1. Download Node.js: Visit the Node.js website and download the LTS version.
  2. Install Node.js: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  3. Verify Installation: Open your terminal and run:

    node -v
    npm -v

    You should see the versions of Node.js and npm.

3. Setting Up a New Strapi Project

With Node.js and npm installed, let's create a new Strapi project:

  1. Open Terminal: Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
  2. Run the Command: In your terminal, execute the following command to create a new Strapi project:
    npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project --quickstart

This command will create a new Strapi project in a directory named my-project.

4. Configuring the Database

Strapi uses SQLite by default, which is perfect for development. If you want to use another database (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL), follow these steps:

  1. Install Database Client: Install the necessary package for your database. For example, for PostgreSQL, run:

    npm install pg --save
  2. Update Configuration: Edit the ./config/database.js file to configure your database connection.

5. Running Strapi

Once your project is set up and the database is configured, you can start Strapi:

  1. Navigate to Project Directory: Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory:

    cd my-project
  2. Start Strapi: Run the following command to start the Strapi server:

    npm run develop

    Strapi will start and you can see the output in your terminal.

6. Accessing the Strapi Admin Panel

With Strapi running, you can access the admin panel:

  1. Open Browser: Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:1337/admin.
  2. Create Admin User: Follow the prompts to create your admin user account.
  3. Explore the Admin Panel: You can now explore the Strapi admin panel and start managing your content.

7. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and set up Strapi CMS. You are now ready to create and manage your content with ease. Strapi's powerful features and flexible architecture make it an excellent choice for developers looking to build modern, content-rich applications.

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