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Maturity Levels of REST API Design

REST API design has levels of maturity. Learn the differences and build better APIs!

 · 2 min read

REST (Representational State Transfer) has become the de facto standard for designing web APIs. However, not all REST APIs are created equal. Understanding the different maturity levels of REST API design can help you build more predictable, maintainable, and scalable APIs.

Level 0: The "RPC-Style" API


  1. Endpoints directly mirror internal functions or procedures.
  2. Focus on actions rather than resources.
  3. Often uses verbs in endpoint names.
Example:GET /getUserById?id=123
POST /createNewOrder


  1. Limited reusability of endpoints.
  2. Tightly couples clients to the API's implementation details.
  3. Not truly RESTful.

Level 1: The "Resource-Oriented" API


  1. Endpoints represent nouns (resources).
  2. Uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to manipulate resources.
Example:GET /users/123
POST /orders


  1. Improved predictability and discoverability.
  2. Encourages a more resource-centric way of thinking about API design.

Level 2: The "Hypermedia-Driven" API (HATEOAS)


  1. Resources include links to other related resources or actions.
  2. Clients dynamically discover available actions at runtime.


   "user_id": 123,
   "name": "Alice",
   "links": {
       "self": "/users/123",
       "orders": "/users/123/orders"


  1. Reduces coupling between client and API.
  2. Makes APIs more adaptable to change.
  3. Enhances discoverability for developers.

Level 3: The "Versioned" and "Evolvable" API


  1. Explicit versioning in the URL structure or headers.
  2. Well-defined strategies for deprecating older versions.
  3. Consider using media types to allow content negotiation (e.g., JSON, XML)
Example:GET /api/v2/users/123
Accept: application/vnd.myapp.v1+json


  1. Enables non-breaking changes to the API.
  2. Supports multiple versions simultaneously.
  3. Provides a predictable path for API consumers.

Considerations Beyond Maturity Levels

While maturity levels are a great guideline, consider these additional factors for high-quality REST APIs:

  1. Security: Implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  2. Documentation: Provide clear and comprehensive documentation.
  3. Error Handling: Use standard HTTP status codes and meaningful error messages.
  4. Performance: Consider caching, pagination, and other performance optimizations.


Understanding REST API maturity levels is a valuable step towards building high-quality, maintainable APIs. Strive for higher levels of maturity as your API evolves, but always balance that with your specific requirements and constraints.

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